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Welcome to the Susitna Valley Jr/Sr High School Native Youth Olympics Website! 

Although traditionally Alaska native culture certainly had nothing to do with navigating through cyber space, here we are well into the information age linking past, present, and future.  I hope you will find this website useful in learning about Alaska Native games and the Susitna Valley Jr/Sr High School NYO team.  Formed in 2000, SVS NYO has been different things for different kids.  The statewide games in Anchorage serve as a great rendezvous of Native cultures from across the entire state.  For our native students, it's a re-affirmation of their heritage and the values intwined in their culture.  For our non-Alaska native students, it's a lesson in cultural diversity.  Either way, this uniquely Alaskan sporting event is like no other. 


If you have any questions, comments, or would like to help out someway, please contact me.



Steve Harrison


907-733-9324 (office)