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Study Hall

study hall


Susitna Valley Jr/Sr High School is offering a supported/focused study hall Monday through Thursday from 3:00 PM until 4:30 PM. The Parent Permission Slip can be found at the front office. 


The study hall provides students with access to technology and time to work on homework or complete classwork.


It is important to understand that students are expected to report to study hall by 3:08 PM and stay there until 4:30 PM. Teachers are available to meet with students from 3:00-3:30 PM. If a student needs to meet with a teacher, they need to check-in to study hall first, then go meet with a teacher. The teacher will then write them a pass back to study hall.


The expectation is that students are on task and not disruptive to other students. Failure to meet expectations will be cause for removal and/or restricted access to after-school study hall. 


All students must be picked up either by 4:30 pm or ride the transit home from SVS at 4:45 PM. If they are staying to ride the transit at 4:45, they have to remain in the front foyer, as staff supervision is limited.


When the winter sports season begins (resulting in late practices), athletes will be expected to attend study hall until practice begins. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lisa Shelby, Principal, at 733-9300 or via email at