You can sign up for a NFHS subscription to stream and watch live events at Susitna Valley Jr/Sr High School.
NFHS Network
The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Network:
Watch high school sports online. Stream thousands of Live and On Demand high school sporting events from across the country on any device.
This high-quality streaming experience requires a paid subscription of either an annual pass, or a monthly pass. You can search for Susitna Valley Jr/Sr High School to see a list of available events. Click below to access Su Valley events, and sign-up online (click “subscribe” in the top right corner of the screen).
Click on this link to access Live Streaming of the Senior Awards on 5/11/23. Click on this link to access NFHS Live Streaming. Valley HS Basketball Schedule 2019-20 v.1.pdf
How to register for activities at Su Valley
Parents and students will need to create an account online through PlanetHS. This website allows you to register your student for all activites and sports offered by Su Valley. Please click on the link below to get started.
New To PlanetHS Registration:
Create and/or log-in to the parent and student account on (link accounts)
Must have a current physical (upload to PlanetHS)- good for 18 months
Pay Sports Fee: High School sports - $250 per activity (2023 reduced fee HS sports $125)
Pay Sports Fee: Middle School sports - $100 per activity (2023 reduced fee MS sports $50)
NOTE: The maximum total amount of fees charged per student, per year for High School sports is $625 and for Middle School sports is $250. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch will pay one-half the sports/activities fee.
Pay Sports Fee: High School sports - $250 per activity (2023 reduced fee HS sports $125)
Pay Sports Fee: Middle School sports - $100 per activity (2023 reduced fee MS sports $50)
NOTE: The maximum total amount of fees charged per student, per year for High School sports is $625 and for Middle School sports is $250. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch will pay one-half the sports/activities fee.
Helpful Tips:
When creating a PlanetHS account make sure your student and you have DIFFERENT email addresses and phone numbers
If your student is under 13 plase click the "my student is under 13" link found under the Link Accounts tab
Please select all activites and sports your student might be interested in the entire year. This will allow you to only have to access PlanetHS one time, at the beginning of each school year.
Click on the image above to view information on the Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug (TAD) Policy sponsored by the Alaska School Activities Association
In 2011-2012, ASAA adopted guidelines for school districts in the management of sports concussions. Click here for related information.