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MS Soccer

MS Coed Soccer 

2023 Season



Practice begins Tuesday, August 15 (First Day of School)

Season runs through the end of September.  Commitment, teamwork, perseverance, and work ethic are all values a student gains as an athlete.


Schedule of games:

2023 MS Coed Soccer Schedule



Monday - Thursday

3:00 - 4:30 pm 

*4:40 Transit



Soccer cleats (required)

Shin guards (required)

Water Bottle (required) 


Paperwork Required:

PlanetHS - Link to register online

Current Physical (within 12 months of end of season)

*You may NOT start practice without a physical and PlanetHS Registration*

Sports fees - $100 or $50 for free and reduced lunch - SchoolPay Link to pay online

Fees (or fee waiver) must be paid/submitted by August 28 - Link to fee waiver



Robert Kirchner Head coach 

Mariah Smith Assistant coach


Please join us for the 2023 MS Co-ed Soccer season. We are here to support, encourage, teach and coach you.



REMIND APP Communication and Code:

Coaches will strictly use REMIND to communicate information about practices, game schedules, travel itineraries, etc.  We require students to sign-up, and highly encourage parents to also sign-up.  This will be how you know all the information you and your athlete needs to know for a successful season!


To sign up for REMIND:

Send a text to: 81010 Text msg: @SVSCoachK